Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Road Less Traveled

I normally just use this blog to post family photos so that long distant family members can watch the growth of our precious little one. And if you are here just to see pictures then please just scroll down as there are some newer pics up on the site.

A little over 3 years ago while visiting a friend in MS I discovered a man and a system that when I first heard about I thought that "Mafia" and his family had jumped off the deep end. They were not using credit cards nor borrowing money and only using cash. I thought to myself that how in the world do you only use cash in this society. Well about a year later and Mafia was almost debt free on a youth pastor and teacher salary I thought that maybe he was onto something. So I brought this to my pregnant wife and was not received well at first. Just after the birth of our precious daughter and the first few weeks of medical bills started coming in we talked about this system again and decided that we needed to take the class.

The class that I am speaking of is Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey, but the only problem was that we didn't know where to start. Mafia had not actually gone through the class but listened to him on the radio and read his book. So I borrowed the book but after reading it we were only half on board as my wife hates to read. So we started looking around at what we can do and we brought another couple into the mix that was very interested in doing the class also. So we tried to start a class at our church but couldn't get much approval for the class from the church. After a couple of months of going back and forth we finally go to have the class and it was a success and so was the second class and there is a lot of interest for a third class.

What has FPU done for us? We now see the light at the end of the tunnel. We have paid off more that $30,000 in about 15 months time and are nearing the $20,000 left to go. We did this on a teacher salary and a wife working part time while going to school. Now that school is done with we are fired up about knocking the remainder of the debt out and "changing our family tree".

There are links on the page to the Dave Ramsey website and to a forum that is not affiliated with Dave but is ran by people that have followed his system.